

Gender is a fundamental aspect of our existence 和 part of our social, psychological 政治认同. 皇冠app官方版下载的性别研究辅修课程旨在培养学生的批判性思维 around gender 和 gender dynamics—a skill that will prove valuable for any career 你在生活中做出选择.

You’ll explore topics such as gender roles in society; local 和 global representations of men, women 和 other genders; explore issues of sexuality 和 sexual orientation; 和 the relationship between gender 和 sexuality, race, class, nation, religion, 年龄与能力. A 性别研究 minor will also allow you to gain a deeper underst和ing of gender equality, racial equality 和 social justice, while learning to work effectively 和不同的人在一起.


Classes include rich student-faculty interaction, there are rewarding internship 校内和校外都有机会. 这些实习将帮助你 classroom learning into practice 和 allow you to envision how a Gender studies minor 符合并提升你的工作前景.



To complete the 性别研究 minor, you’ll need 18 credit hours, which includes three core courses, one upper-division 性别研究 elective 和 six elective credit hours you may work with your advisor to choose from a variety of departments 和 programs.  You’ll be encouraged to complete an on- or off-campus internship as a part of your 选修课学分. 



"Being an intern for the Assault Survivor Advocacy Program (ASAP) was a tangible way 让我成为社会变革的积极推动者. 性别所涵盖的材料 研究课程增加了我对性别平等的热情. 然而,通过我的实习, 我意识到只知道材料是不够的. 它需要有相应的行动. 对我来说,重要的是看到为改变而斗争有多么困难. 它很有影响力 working with individuals who have experienced the grave consequences of gender inequality--on 皇冠app官方版下载校园. 作为ASAP的实习生,我学会了授权和倡导的技能 在我的余生里,所有的性别."


 “Classes in the 性别研究 program taught me to recognize how society constructs gender 和 sexuality 和 in turn how these constructions intersect with life. 强调 analysis, these classes have been fundamental in my personal development 和 my academic 成功.”



One of the great advantages of choosing a program in 性别研究 is that it helps you think more globally, developing your ability to work 和不同的人在一起. 这 在当今的工作场所,越来越多的雇主需要重要的技能. 在皇冠app官方版下载,你会 find the resources, opportunities 和 close mentorship you need to develop these critical 技能,并将其应用到你的职业和日常生活中.


  • 对性别和社会公正感兴趣
  • 想和不同的人一起工作
  • Prefer a collaborative learning environment with close faculty mentorship


  • 为什么性别在文化、个人和制度层面上都很重要
  • How gender relates to other social identities, such as race, class, sexuality, nationality, 年龄,宗教和能力
  • 其他文化是如何理解性别的
  • 批判性思维,沟通和研究能力


  • 性别与社会
  • 性别、种族、阶级和性
  • 酷儿研究
  • 女权主义理论
  • 大众文化中的性别
  • 男子气概


Our 性别研究 program offers many different opportunities for experiential learning. 你可以在皇冠app官方版下载工作 妇女资源中心, 性别与性资源中心 或者用我们的 性侵幸存者倡导项目. Many of our students also work in the community, with a wide range of organizations 包括 女人的地盘这是格里利的亲密伴侣暴力庇护所 和 中心, which helps to engage 和 advance the gay, lesbian, bisexual 和 transgender community 科罗拉多.



Your minor in 性别研究 provides foundational learning 和 analytical skills 这适用于所有类型的职业. 该课程的灵活性几乎可以与任何课程互补 主修领域. 一些流行的专业选择,以配合性别研究辅修 include anthropology, history, political science, sociology, nursing, communications 以及国际研究.


More 和 more, people with expertise in 性别研究 are working as consultants 在工业、高等教育、州和联邦政府机构. 培训 in gender relations is increasingly in dem和, opportunities exist for employment with various types of organizations, 包括 public, private, government 和 non-profit. The 性别研究 program is also excellent preparation for graduate study.


In addition to being caring, dedicated educators, our professors are collectively engaged in original, cutting-edge research which they often discuss in class. 当前的 我们部门的研究包括:





Despite ongoing efforts, limited progress has been made to improve gender 和 racial STEM权益. Feeling like one belongs may lead to persisting in or leaving a particular field, with gendered or racialized sense of belonging (SB) shaped by the intersection 其他被边缘化的身份(例如.g.(社会阶层,能力). 她发表过文章 in 地球科学教育杂志, 人际暴力杂志, 性别研究杂志, 社会学的指南针, 性别、科学与技术杂志.





Ather Zia has a doctorate degree from the Department of Anthropology at the University 加州欧文分校. She also has two master's degrees; one in Communication from California State University Fullerton 和 another in Journalism from Kashmir University. Ather is currently finishing her book, which is to be published by Washington University Press (Book Series on Decolonizing Feminisms: Antiracist 和 Transnational Praxis). Her ethnography is based on her doctoral research on enforced disappearances, militarization, 在印控克什米尔发生的侵犯性别和人权的行为. 她最近收到了 a grant from the Wenner Gren foundation to conduct an engaged anthropology project 和她的寄宿社区. 他的其他主要写作项目包括合编一本 reader on Kashmir titled “They Gave Us Blood': Narratives of Normalcy, Sacrifice, 和 Terror in Kashmir," a non-fiction anthology based on ethnographic narratives of politics in Kashmir with Harper Collins; 和 an anthology of ethnographic poetry based 皇冠app安卓下载安装她在克什米尔的田野调查,题目是 场节.





克里斯·塔尔博特拥有博士学位.D. 从密歇根大学获得美国历史学士学位. 托尔伯特的 研究方向包括美国社会性别与性行为.S. 历史,特别关注 十九和二十世纪摩门教的历史. 她的新书《皇冠app安卓下载安装》 Kingdom: Mormons 和 Polygamy in American Political Culture, 1852-1890 (University of Illinois Press, 2013) examined the gendered aspects of the national controversy 十九世纪摩门教实行多重婚姻的做法. 她即将到来的 article, “Mormons, Gender, the New Commercial 娱乐s” (The Journal of the Gilded age 和 Progressive Era, October 2017) examines the LDS Church’s gendered response to newly emerging urban entertainments such as movie theaters, amusement 公园和舞厅. 她目前正在进行两个项目:一本书的章节比较 gendered elements of anti-polygamy 和 anti-slavery rhetoric 和 book project that examines sex, sexuality 和 the body among the Mormons throughout their history.

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